As it is not easy to find in the market plunge holders for 43mm Euro Neck Routers, I decided to build my own. It is designed for using with routers up to 80mm diameter. For bigger routers, you will need to modify the plans. More info on Blog:
Como en el mercado no abundan los soportes de Inmersión para fresadoras de cuello europeo de 43mm, he decidido fabricarme uno.
Relative to the adjustable router template, it appears as though it only works with your plunge router base and not typical router bases (e.g. DEWALT DWP611PK) using a pattern bit. The sides of the template, being a T track, doesn't provide a solid surface for the bearing of a standard pattern bit to follow.
hi mate, these types of adjustable templates works with any router base in which you can install a guide bushing. Check this out:
There are bushing for almost all types of routers, google "router guide bushing"